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Keeping Your Industrial Warehouse Running During a Renovation

Industrial Warehouse RenovationOne of the reasons most businesses put off renovating their industrial warehouse is because they’re worried about it shutting down their day-to-day operations, and rightfully so. There are several ways you can keep your industrial warehouse running during a renovation to avoid a total loss of production and revenue.

Off-Hours Construction
Even in large facilities that can be broken up into sections, it can be hard to have workers perform their daily duties while a construction team is performing theirs. One simple way to get around this and keep your industrial warehouse running during a renovation is to either adjust your working schedule or get your contractor to adjust theirs. By working on alternating shifts or days of the week, both your employees and your contractor can work without disruption to get the job done as efficiently as possible.

Construction Phases
Many industrial warehouses already run around the clock, which can make keeping your warehouse operational during a renovation difficult. There is a simple solution though, a phased construction approach. If you choose to go this route, you’ll need to break your warehouse up into zones and complete the renovations in the zones one at a time. A phased construction plan allows your employees to work as they normally would, and it ensures that your contractor can focus on the task at hand without interruption.

Mapping & Planning
Regardless of the approach that you and your contractor decide works best to minimize your revenue losses during your industrial warehouse renovation, you’ll need to map out your warehouse and the surrounding property to develop a plan. The more planning you put in beforehand, the better the entire process will be for all parties involved. Consider things like where your contractor and their crew will park, where are they storing supplies and equipment, and what schedule will have the least impact on your daily operations? One of the most important things to consider is which aspects of your renovation are the highest priority, and to find a way to get those portions of your industrial warehouse renovation completed as fast as possible.

Work with An Experienced Team
Ensure that you choose a reliable and experienced team for your industrial warehouse renovation project. Working with a talented and knowledgeable full-service team like HI-Performance Construction ensures that your industrial warehouse renovation will be completed on schedule and on budget.

Looking for an experienced contractor to keep your business running during your industrial warehouse renovation? Look no further than HI-Performance Construction.

Why We Are a Trusted Full-Service Contractor

1) We do projects for clients from start to finish! Our team handles everything from the initial drawings and permits, to the design and construction of your build, making the process straightforward and manageable!

2) We have completed custom residential, commercial, and industrial projects all across Canada.

3) We are proud to offer a 100% guarantee on all of our work. We always work hand in hand with our clients to ensure they get exactly what they want out of their project.

4) We strive to always be on budget and on time! We believe in full transparency with our clients through careful scheduling, planning, and communicating about the process and their needs!

5) We take control of project management from the start! If you have a complex job, but are without drawings and need a quote, we have you covered!

HI-Performance Construction has been servicing the construction needs of the Greater Toronto Area and beyond for 20 years. Our expert team has the skills and experience to complete any project in any industry.

To learn more about our completed projects and to stay up to date with our current work connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

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